Wetland Ecology and Management
Course Overview
This course will guide students to understand wetlands ecosystems, their importance to nature and socioeconomic aspects, threats, regulations and sustainable management strategies.
Course Objectives
· To introduce students to basic definition and features of wetlands
· To guide students to understand wetland hydrology and ecology
· To guide students to appreciate the importance of wetlands socioeconomic aspects
· To introduce students to the threats affecting wetlands’ sustainability
· To guide students to understand best practices employed in managing wetlands in a sustainable way
Expected Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should:
· be able to identify wetlands ecosystems and differentiate wetlands based on their features
· understand the importance and socioeconomic benefits of wetlands
· be able to discuss wetland regulation systems
· be equipped with the knowledge of sustainable wetland management practices
· be able to discuss the role of international and national organizations in wetland management
Basic Meteorology and Climatology
The course is designed to cover a wide variety of topics to help students gain basic
understanding of the atmosphere, the science behind daily weather, climate, and climate
extremes. Topics to be treated include: Basic definitions and concepts; the Earth’s
Atmosphere: composition and structure; The Greenhouse Effect and Global warming;
radiation; Clouds; Atmospheric and climate variables: precipitation, temperature, humidity,
pressure, winds, solar energy; Meteorological Observation Systems; land-ocean atmosphere
interactions, introduction to weather forecasting, weather and climate extremes. The course is
both lecture and practical.